[Sca-cooks] Re: Tea

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Wed Feb 27 14:07:53 PST 2002

Philip & Susan Troy wrote:

> Aye, lass, an noone of yer flooncy watercress sandwiches wi' it,
> neither. Away wi' yer crrream an' yer soogar, and drrink it in the
> ancient Hieland manner, frrrom a 46-lb stoone boocket... why do ye
> think they call it hurlin', anyway?

Aye, boot the wimmin are even brraver, fur they do it with skirts hiked
oop, a fat newborn oonder each arrm,  and they doon hurl- that wooo be
wasteful! No, they save the 46-pound stoon booocket te carry the
menfolks heads in after they've had too mooch!

Oooh... here's to hoping a Countess of my acquaintance is not on list-
she'd hurt me fer all the misspellings!

-gotta run- more driving. Be back later tonight!

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