[Sca-cooks] The masculine name Misha, was The rock

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 31 08:42:01 PST 2002

Vladimir Armbruster wrote:
>  'fraid not m'lady Misha. Russian cooking is not high on my list of
>  priorities I'm afraid, primary focus will be on German and Romanian cuisine.

Errr, ummm, Misha is a male name. It is a diminutive for Mikhail, i
believe. I know several female Mishas, but that's because of an
American misunderstanding along the lines of every "foreign" name
ending in "a" must be female.

I've also known several American female Sashas, yet Sasha is a
diminutive of Aleksander, a male name. However, i actually known
several actually male Sashas, one whose parents are European, and one
who is actually Czech.

(Both Sasha and Misha are Slavic diminutives)

Of course, i know Misha himself will have something to say to this :-)

And, Vladimir, there's plenty of room at the Rock for you - it's got
a hot tub, if i recall correctly - and the password is "Cuskynoles"...

who is a female whose name ends with "a"

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