[Sca-cooks] cross contamination, was special diets

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Thu Jan 10 04:28:34 PST 2002

That's not ironic, that is the expected result.  Health regulations are
designed to prevent identified kitchen hazards by stressing proper practices
to avoid those hazards.  Loosening the regulations allows people to ignore
both the hazards and the proper practices thereby increasing the probability
of failure.  The increased failure due to improper handling is documented by
the statistics.


>If you rent a kitchen and open a
>restaurant the regulation is a lot more stringent in most places than if
>you rented the same kitchen to hold a church potluck. Which, considering
>that the church potluck is far more likely, statistically, to spread
>something like ptomaine, if not something worse, is ironic. However,
>still the truth, or at least it was, recently.

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