[Sca-cooks] What would you advise?

A F Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 12 07:17:42 PST 2002

Sounds manipulative to me... and you know, from previous posts, that I
believe in accommodating people.

OK, let's have a show of hands. How many people on this list have
allergies that preclude them from eating certain foods? (Hm, many hands,
mine included.)

How many of those allergies are extremely serious? (Fewer, but still a
number. My hand no longer raised, but my mom had one that sent her into
anaphylactic shock, so I know about them. So did a child I taught. I
know how to use an epi-pen, though, thank God, I never had to.)

How many of you have ever done anything that remotely resembles the
aforementioned scene? Someone? Anyone? Didn't think so...

I rest my case...


Rosine wrote:

>  And after the Head Cook repeatedly requested that anyone
>with allergies contact her before the event - to show up on the day and
>pitch a scene so perfect for garnering pity made me wonder about her

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