[Sca-cooks] What would you advise?

Steve s.mont at verizon.net
Sat Jan 12 10:11:22 PST 2002

After reading this and other descriptions of her behavior, I think she is
doing it for attention.  Do you know if she or her husband are on any of
the email lists or receive any of the newsletters that have the request for
contact in them?  If so, she ought to be told politely but firmly that she
knew about the need to contact the Cook before the event and that no, there
will not be any special food procured or cooked at this late date.

However, you did say that she came from another Kingdom.  It could be that
where she came from, the only people at on-board tables were people that
paid for feast.  Does she know it is different in her new home?


>  And after the Head Cook repeatedly requested that anyone
>with allergies contact her before the event - to show up on the day and
>pitch a scene so perfect for garnering pity made me wonder about her
>motives. (The Autocrat donated funds to purchase extra food for the girl,
>the husband made a trip to the store for the items - and the Khan of the
>Great Dark Horde worked magic in the kitchen to prepare a quick one-person
>meal with the extra spices and food bits in order to free up the kitchen
>staff, who were madly in the "last 15-minutes" stage of food prep. It all
>worked out...)


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