[Sca-cooks] Re: Stuffed carrots- what would happen if

Steve s.mont at verizon.net
Wed Jan 16 18:15:52 PST 2002

It also helps if you use fresh veggies.  Though the salt water soak is
always a good idea.

Then again you could always juice the carrots and use the juice to color
some marzipan ones.  That way all the carrots would be the same size too.

Overall easiest is cut into slices, parboil slices, use a round corer to
make a hole then stuff.

You can also do this with daikon radishes.  I did this once using a salmon
mousse as a stuffing and putting some of that bright orange tiny egg caviar
on it.  I also scalloped the edges to look like flowers and used green
onions as stems and chives as grass and laid them out as flowers in a
garden for presentation.


At 07:56 PM 01/16/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
>Subject: Re: [Sca-cooks] Stuffed carrots-what would happen if
> > It seems you would have to cut the carrots into sections since they have a
>tendency to split.  I have done lots of carving in
>  > veggies and carrots are darn hard to do without them just suddenly
> deciding
>to split.  I have not seen the references Brighid > mentioned that can be
>found in Granado where she says he describes hollowing out the insideof the
>carrot to make a tube. > Would like to though.  I wonder if he says to
>par-boil them for a bit to soften them.  That would make sense. Olwen


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