[Sca-cooks] Hobarts and convection ovens for baking

Mark S. Harris stefan at texas.net
Wed Jul 24 22:27:49 PDT 2002

Bear commented:
> To be perfectly honest, when preparing bread for an SCA feast, I prefer a
> large Hobart and a good convection oven.  It is a hard to beat combination
> when making a lot of bread, fast.  The sites we commonly use only have
> counter-top Hobarts, so the work takes longer.

Hmm. Okay, first what is a "Hobart"? I assume this is some kind of
oven usually only found in institutional kitchens?

Why would you want one of each rather than a pair of Hobarts or a pair of convection

  ovens? What advantages do each have and how do you combine the two
features to best advantage?

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
    Mark S. Harris            Austin, Texas          stefan at texas.net
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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