[Sca-cooks] elder*berries*

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Tue Jul 2 10:28:53 PDT 2002

There's a large park near my house which is just full to bursting with
elder of the /Sambucus nigra/ varieties, which are flowering right now. So
I went gathering last night, and there will be Sambocade at 12th Night!

And I need to get Mom's recipe for elderflower fritters, and Grandpa's
recipe for elderberry syrup, and...

Anyway. Are there any period recipes for the *berries*? All the recipes
I've seen call for the flowers, and there's got to be some other use in
period for the things besides to dye leather blue.

Margaret, who will remember better mosquito repellent next time

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