[Sca-cooks] OT Atkins diet, etc(and now a question)

Marilyn Traber margali at 99main.com
Sat Jul 27 00:35:16 PDT 2002




He does not say to eliminate all carbs.
Induction phase - 20 gr carbs per day for 2 weeks.

Weightloss phase - add 5 gr carb per day until you stop loosing
weight, then back of 5 to 10 gr carbs per day til you start
loosing again. Eat like this until you are within 10 lbs or so of
desired weight. Add some carbs to slow weight loss - most people
skip this step.

Maintenance phase - eat the number of carbs per day that you
neither gain nor lose weight - hence calling it 'maintenance'

If you haven't thoroughly read and understood something, don't
act like you know everything about it.

There are otehr forms of low carb diet. The main definition of
low carb is 100 gr carb per day or less. The modern food pyramid
recommends 250-350 gr carb per day.

IF one eats a small portion of meat/protein with 2 servings of
low carb veggies [not legumes, grains, starchy tubers] you get
your 5 servings of protein and 10 servings of veggies and
frequently more dietary fibre than the food pyramid worshippers
do [ever notice how relatively low in fiber mst people get in
bread, potatos, rice and pasta...] Zonies are those who do add
crude legumes, grains and tubers to the diet, but go for the
rougher form [brown rice, whole graons] so at least they are
eating something resembling what we actually evolved to eat.

[fat modified atkins when I follow it - I just watch the amount
of fat I intake and go for leaner protein sources, although  now
and then that pound of bacon has a siren's call...]

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