[Sca-cooks] Feast Ambience

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Tue Jul 30 19:58:23 PDT 2002

At 09:05 PM 7/30/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Entertainment between the courses.
>I haven't found a juggler, a mime or an acrobat skilled enough to work one
>of my feasts, but be assured, I'll use them when I do.

I know One. Master Xavier- he got his Laurel in juggling in the Middle, I
think. Lived in Artemisia for awhile (Silverkeep) and was in AnTir for grad
school. He's in... Ohio? Indiana? I forget. It's in teh files that went
bye-bye whent he system crashed. Anyway, really terrific juggler, can hold
a crowd, is cool about dropped stuff (it happens) and he's been busy
raising his own helpers- his son helps hand him things, and then sits on
his little stool and watches Dad juggle. (VEry, very cute.) He did a lot of
feasts when he was in the area, and I hired him for a private feast I did.

If I can remember where he is, I might post his e-mail to the list- he
might enjoy a break from teaching physics. ;-)

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