[Sca-cooks] Resubscribed

Chip jallen at multipro.com
Wed Jun 5 12:08:58 PDT 2002

> So...whadya eat?

At war?  Boiled eggs, homemade beef jerky, dried fruit, vendor food,
lots of water during the day.  Easy stuff.

Evening meals this year were a communal-ish shire thing with a
different cook heading up each night.  Over the week, we had a
vegetable curry, greek fare, spaghetti (a squire's first group meal --
he was so proud), sausages, and it just wouldn't be a camping event
without a big pot of couscous cooked in chicken broth.  I neglected to
pick up a jar of the local pickled quail eggs this year.  I'm kicking
myself.  They're splendid.

Not at war, I'm just getting my strictly-period-cooking legs.  I'm a
step up from using Fabulous Feasts, but I'm still relying on secondary
sources, websites, and the work of list members.  I've redacted
(adapted? recreated?) a few recipes on my own, but I still have a lot
to learn.  And many books to buy.  I've been head cook (I don't care
for the f-word) for ... what, seven events? ... yeah, that's about
right.  I'm still kind of a newb -- only 3-4 years in.

> Was there a cooks get together?

There was, but I missed it.  And the webministers get-together.

> We have a couple new folks on the list so find out about them.

I'll keep my eyes open.  I've been on the list a few years, I just
drop out for a couple of months every now and then.  I'm an
unrepentant lurker who pops up every now and then with something
to say.  Then I crawl back in my hole.

> What did you buy?

Not nearly as much as I'd meant to.  Some honey & beeswax products,
some clothing and jewelry.  I had meant to fill out my Barak
collection (those copper coins) but didn't get around to it.  I spent
most of my time in classes or on security patrol.  I did bring back
the class notes from a Middle Eastern food class I didn't get to

> How much fun did you have?

Despite digging drainage trenches in the rain with a maddock after
waking up with standing water in my tent (day 1), a friend setting
himself on fire, having to return his car to New Orleans and not being
able to stay & enjoy the city, enduring mass "UFF-DA!"s at inopportune
times (all day, every day :) from the admittedly kick-butt Trimaran
fort/encampment across the street, the rain, the wind, the fire ants,
the hot, the cold, (breathe ...) I had enough fun to make me go back
again next year.  I always do.  It's my favorite event.

> Come on.  Answer up.
> Olwen

Yes'm.  Please -- not the spoon and chinois again.  I'll be good.

> Olwen  slow down and let the person rest for a second.

She's riding a sugar buzz from the latest marzipan batch, I'd wager.

> Get him under the Rock and hand him a drink.  Aurore

A kamikaze would be great, thanks.  Vodka, triple sec, lime juice.

Lovely grotto you have here.  Tad crowded, though.  :)  Glad to be
Iyad ibn al-Thu'ban ibn Bisharo / Thráinn Tjúguskegg
Shire of Easaraigh, Kingdom of Meridies   www.easaraigh.org

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