[Sca-cooks] RE: . Re: Some list members pictures!

Philip & Susan Troy troy at asan.com
Tue Jun 11 05:29:17 PDT 2002

Also sprach Bronwynmgn at aol.com:

>You know, I really dislike this particular strategem.  I know a lot of cooks
>like to play with chocolate, and find it a really easy way to make subtleties
>and such, but darn it, there's enough cool stuff available in period to
>ignore it and do something that is better recreation.
>And the act of having someone in power "declare it period" is just wrong.
>There's no rule that says you have to use period foodstuffs to begin with, so
>there is no reason to draw attention to the fact that you want to use
>chocolate by having the Royalty declare it period.  That just makes it look
>like we can mess with what was available in period.  Why not declare kiwi
>fruits period? Or cell phones?  Or portable TVs?  The royalty declared them
>period, so now we can use them in the middle of the hall!

Well, there was that one EK 12th Night that was a week before the
Super Bowl, but HM didn't declare portable TV's period; he merely
excused himself for a few hours for an important meeting.

I just make it a habit to ignore such revisionist grandfathering. I
guess it's a matter of individual conscience, but some of us really
are in this for the beer, as the saying goes, and neither want, nor
need, to have a well-developed sense of educational responsibility.

But I do agree with Brangwayna that we don't need the extra echelon
of foolish schtick. If you want to serve a non-period food, and have
some idea that you feel justifies it, go with your convictions, and
do it, if you must. But have the grace not to pretend it's period
when it's not.


("I don't know I'd go so far as to say I was disgruntled, but I was
definitely far from gruntled." -- P.G. Wodehouse)

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