[Sca-cooks] Vidalia nionions...

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Wed Jun 19 05:59:48 PDT 2002

Oh, gawd, you had me laughing so hard it woke up the cat....
I got them from a coworker.  She's originally from Florida, and recently
went home for a couple weeks of vacation time with her family.  Says she
brought about 10? lbs. of them (peanuts, not family, you weirdos) back
with her on the plane <g>.  She boiled them up, up here, and brought in
this large container of them to work, and shared.....
--Maire, who doesn't understand what the fuss is all about (although
they're edible, fershur), and who has *quite enough* tangled floss and
thread and yarn courtesy of her furry monsters already, thankyouverymuch
<g>, and who's also sorry she doesn't have the trading power for oh,
australian candied ginger *dipped* in dark chocolate <g>

AnnaMarie wrote:
> I *adore* those things and haven't had any in probably 18 or 19 years!!!!!
> I tried making them myself once but it was vile.  I think it's something in
> those large black oil can thingies that makes them so damn good!!!
> If you've got a source for them in Missoula you'd better share or I'll
> tangle *all* your floss!!!  I'll beg, I'll cajole, I'll even bring you
> candied ginger, *Australian* candied ginger!!!!  which is very much the
> best....  all my chocolate.....  biscotti....  beef jerky..... *ANYTHING YOU
> Whine;..........

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