[Sca-cooks] Entertaining stories for Lainie

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Fri Jun 21 00:38:28 PDT 2002

At 11:54 PM 6/20/02 -0400, you wrote:

>I remember, when I studied anthropology many years ago, that in some
>culture (don't remember where) a woman's husband was defined as "the man
>she cooks for." Don't remember what he had to do for her.

Basic partnership things- cooking for someone is a real bond. I remember
several years ago, in my camp kitchen, the usual pile of groaning bodies
("I ate too much again! She always does this to us!") and someone asked
*why* I like to cook for people, guests or not. And I just stood there
because I had never really thought about it. Until Master Korwyn sat
halfway up and said "That's easy- for 'Lainie, food is love." And then
someone else started in with the "Manga, manga, you're wasting away!" until
I threatened them with dish duty! But they were right.

Sewing for someone can be just business, or it can be a very personal act.
I definitely feel differently about the garments when I'm making them. And
I would never use the antique silk brocade on anyone but someone I loved
very much. And there are other personal touches that one does when the
garment is for a loved one.

What are the basics of life? Food, shelter, clothing. Nurturing. When we do
these things for each other, they create bonds. I think part of my bond
with my sweetie's family is not just that I took care of their dad at the
end, but just after, when they all came to Oregon- I made a big pile of
lasagna, with salad and stuff, and they sat around, full-to-bursting, and
talked about their parents. I fed them and they talked.

Of course the only thing about the 'food is love' equation, is that some of
us appear to be more beloved than others! :-D)

I'm rambling now. I'm tired and these drugs are really good. I'm going to
bed now...

"We all need a little help- but I'm *basically* normal." -Rose Gumbo

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