[Sca-cooks] Get Fuzzy, Left-wing Cats, and Scrummy Food (OOP)

Susan Laing gleep001 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 25 22:12:28 PDT 2002

Sprake the Stefan....
>Uh Drakey, considering some comments from you recently about various
>adventures, perhaps you should just quietly give this blowtorch
>away. Or just set it outside, and quietly just walk away...

Yessss.... set it outside - in about a week & half and the Kitchen Fairies
will rescue you from it :-p

>Or preemptively call the fire department... Are you on a first name
>basis with the folks at your local hospital?

Actually....... :-p  (mind you - I can't talk - I think I'm one of the first
to actually go down with Hyper-thermia *inside* a Canberra feasting
hall..... No hospital visit trip that time cause I kept insisting I was
fine, but it took over 3 hours for feeling to return to my extremities and
this was huddled in many many blankets, in front of a heater whilst
mine-host tried to massage warmth back in to my legs.... all the while I'm
babbling away that "no really - I'm fine - just can't feel my feet....")

And I get to go visit them again in a week & a Half! (Canberra in Winter...
would be classed as a Pennence if not for the scrumptious people & events!!)

One of them Darn Northerners where cold is 15 degrees celsius and "Freezing"
is 10 degrees....

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