OOP, OT, YMMV, Electrical Eggs (Was: [Sca-cooks] Re: I quit)

CorwynWdwd at aol.com CorwynWdwd at aol.com
Fri Mar 29 11:54:27 PST 2002

In a message dated 3/29/2002 11:37:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, Devra at aol.com

> There used to be a service group called Electric Eggs who worked with SF
> to help on accessibility issues. I wonder if they're still around...

_Electrical_ Eggs.... and I haven't seen them lately, doesn't mean they
aren't there but.... A quick web search just yields an address for Electrical
Eggs UK, every time I hit a link to the US group they can't find the page.
I'll try again later.

They had nifty tee shirts and totes, and I always bought from them to help
them along, and of course because it was snazzy stuff.

The origin of the name is amusing, seems one of the founder's kids referred
to a friend as having "Electrical _Legs_" (He was in one of those motorized
wheelchairs) and they adopted the name for the group.


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