[Sca-cooks] rabbit eggs

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 8 00:18:19 PST 2002

--- Stefan li Rous <stefan at texas.net> wrote:

> The whole
> idea was to try some of the (a?) period rabbit
> recipes.

Yes, Stefan, I know. I'm trying to tell you that
cooking a rabbit is much like cooking a chicken- in
other words, since you've never cooked rabbit, but
have cooked chicken, and since Medieval recipes tend
to be less than specific about timings, and ingredient
balances, your default choices should be similar to
how you would cook a chicken,

> > Otherwise, you need to find some way to crush it
> and
> > drain the juice off, which you then dry.
> If it's that easy, how come there were (and are)
> different
> grades/types of sugar, even from just sugar cane?

Well, milking a cow doesn't take rocket science,
either, nor does emptying the milk from the bucket
into your glass, but if you want to fraction it off
into, say, heavy cream, milk, skim milk, butter, etc
you need to know what you're doing, and as a general
rule, it takes a bit of doing, best done with special
and sterilized equipment for the purpose.

Sugar cane is the same sort of thing- it's easy enough
to to crush and drain the stalks- as a kid, a piece of
fresh sugar cane to suck on was quite a treat- but if
you want to try to split up the cane juice into
molasses, etc, it's going to take a bit of doing, and
you'll likely need a good bit more sugar cane than you
picked up at the store to get any reasonable yield of
any particular fraction.

> Anyway, the whole idea, like those who actually try
> to make
> rosewater, is to actually try it, even though it is
> cheaper
> and easier just to buy the already processed stuff
> in the
> grcoery.

Sure, not a problem. Break out your chemistry set, and
have at it ;-)


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And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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