[Sca-cooks] FW:request for recipe(s)

A F Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 20 21:03:51 PST 2002

Well, the disagreement is right in the Bible. The Synoptics are pretty
clear that it is the "Passover Meal" as my translations phrase it, but
John is caught up in the symbolism of Jesus as Paschal Lamb, and says he
died on Preparation Day. So... you take your choice. Most people I know
of think it was a Seder, but it can't be proven.


Philippa Alderton wrote:

>>>Lamb, as you may know, is traditional in both the
>>>Christian Easter meal and the Jewish Passover meal
>>>because in Christ's time, lamb was sacrificed in
>>>temple on Passover, and the Last Meal was supposed
>>>be a Passover supper. (See, cuz, I really have
>>>studying ;-)
>>Not "supposed to have been", dear - "was". I don't
>>have a Christian
>>Bible handy to quote you chapter and verse, but it
>>WAS a Seder.
>Ooops- disagreement here. I have read and enjoyed the
>Bible for several reasons, but none of them have
>included historical accuracy. I've heard one argument
>that Christ and the Apostles COULDN'T have been having
>lamb for dinner, because the sacrificial lamb would
>not have been sacrificed yet, this being the evening
>before Passover. Not having enough knowledge of either
>traditional or historical practices to form a reasoned
>opinion, this has been one of those "Dunno, keep an
>open mind" passages.

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