Tara Sersen Boroson tboroson at netcarrier.com
Sun Mar 24 13:25:00 PST 2002

:)  I'm enjoying these stories!

In college, I was shopping for a Christmas present for my then-
boyfriend.  My mother was shopping with me.  A shop clerk asked if I'd
like to sample some Dave's Insanity Sauce.  My boyfriend loved hot food,
so I said "Sure."  The clerk dipped a toothpick in the bottle and handed
it to me.  Thinking, "What a cheap store," I put that toothpick in my
mouth, wrapped my tongue around it and pulled it out.  The first wave
hit me and I said, "Wow, that's pretty hot.  I'll take a bottle."  Then
the second wave hit me.  My mother thought I was having an allergic
reaction - my face and lips turned blochy and white and I started
shaking, tears streaming from my eyes.  Mind you, I love hot food.

We used that bottle for three years, giving samples out to dumb drunks
at parties.  Those were the days.  One drop of it in a shot of tequila
is also a good thing.


p.s. If this castor oil does it's thang, I'll be in labor within the
next eight hours.  I'll be unsubbing if that happens.  So, if I
disappear for a while, wish me luck!  -M

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