[Sca-cooks] Cooking techniques

Barbara Benson vox8 at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 25 20:44:43 PST 2002

<big ol' honkin snip from Philip>
Cow is cow, pig is pig, chicken
is chicken, and our minor modifications in body shape
and fat content in the past few hundred years are
nothing like the evolutionary changes across millions
of years. Muscle tissue is muscle tissue, regardless.
I understand what you are saying - and I am not disagreeing with your basic
premise - but I have to take a teeny bit of issue with the chicken is
chicken statement. Having tasted free-range chicken vs the mass produced
chicken in a side by side test I would go so far as to say they tase almost
like two different animals. The flavor of mass produced chicken is so bland,
so non-descript, that the "tastes like chicken" comment has been coined -
not because many things taste like chicken but because (mass produced)
chicken has almost no distinctive characteristics.

But, I am not jumping into the fray on the original discussion - I do not
have the knowlege to even wade in - but that particular statement! Well,
let's just say it stuck in my craw.;)

Glad Tidings,
Serena da Riva

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