[Sca-cooks] Re: Bobby Flay

Mercy Neumark mneumark at hotmail.com
Wed May 1 08:13:06 PDT 2002

>Well, I was an intern and pretty low on the totem pole. I may have
>repaired some of his work without knowing it, but as I said I never
>actually saw him cook _anything_ in the time I was there.

You know, I've watched Hot off the Grill about twice maybe...I don't think
he does anything special and seems pretty nice off that (and Foodnation I
think I saw once or twice).  BUT when I saw him on both Iron Chef's, I
wanted to throddle him!  He was such an arrogant jerk AND a cry baby!  Oh,
and when he climbed up on the cutting board BOTH times (even though the
second time he threw the board to the ground to NOT offend Morimoto, only he
ended up doing so anyhow...I mean, HELLO, that wasn't the point) with the
lame "Raise the roof" I was morified.  I think they gave him the win to
avoid his crybaby-ness later.

Sorry...I just can't stand the man.


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