[Sca-cooks] OOP OT Reformers was (Re: Languages)

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Wed May 22 06:34:42 PDT 2002

And the various people with their hobbyhorse causes aren't sensationalist?
Some of the appeals on television these days would probably make Riis blush.
It's just that there are so many worthy causes, we've all become a little
jaded.  If Riis were around today, he'd probably be a shock jock.

As for having the police kick in the door, until the late 1950s most local
police did not need a search warrant.  Fourth Amendment protections only
applied to Federal officers.  Perfectly legal.  Besides, when did true
believers start worrying about other peoples civil rights.

I also must admit, I'm more of a fan of Lincoln Steffens and WeeGee ("f8 and
be there").


> Not to mention the wave of immigration of the second half of the
> nineteenth century. Riis has recently come under some fire, though,
> as being both a sensationalist (it's been alleged that some of his
> more tawdry photographs of tenement life were either posed or the
> result of bursting in, with help from police, on families in the
> middle of the night) ...
> Adamantius

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