Fasoli was ([Sca-cooks] LONG )

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Wed May 29 08:43:47 PDT 2002

Fasoli derives from phaseolus.  Fava beans are faba.  In Pliny and Platina
(both pre-Columbus), phaseolus are distinct from faba, so fasoli are not
fava beans.  The fact that Phaseolus is the genus of the New World beans
needs to be ignored.  The designation was established post-period.

In this context the term "kidney bean" is a generalization for any of the
New World beans, which are all covered by the word fasoli.  Prior to the
importation of New World beans, the term fasoli referred to the seeds of
genus Vigna (cowpea, black-eyed pea, yard-long bean, etc.).  These are still
included in the fasoli.

If the recipe is prior to the mid-16th Century, it is more properly made
with black-eyed peas.


> >Kidney Beans (#41)
> >Cook the kidney beans in pure water or in good broth..
> Aren't fasoli supposed to be fava beans rather than kidney beans? I
> thought kidney beans were New World...
> Anahita

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