[Sca-cooks] MAY DAY! MAY DAY!

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Tue May 7 21:46:51 PDT 2002

Don't buy the new copy, Caointiarn....it got left at my house eons ago.
I'll give it to Morgan when I see her tomorrow.
The ingredients are:
4 c. cooked, chopped chicken
1 c. white wine
0.25 c. sugar
0.50 c. honey
0.50 t. ea/ground cloves, mace, ginger
0.25 c. ground almonds
0.50 c. currants
--the wine and sugar are boiled together for 10 mins. or until thickened
and clinging to the spoon.  The honey, spices, and currants are added,
and the mixture cooked for a further 10 mins.
For serving, arrange the cold chicken in serving dishes, and pour the
hot syrup over all. Chill well and serve cold.
--Maire, to the rescue....;-)

Karen O wrote:
>  HELP!!
>     I  CANNOT find my copy of _Traveling Dysshes_  author Mistress Siobhan
> Medhbh O'Roarke.  I especially need the recipe of the cold chicken dish for
> a wedding feast this Saturday.  I can't even remember the title of the
> recipe to try & find it elsewhere.  But the sauce is honey, wine cloves,
> ginger, almond meal & currants, and ??
>     While I'm asking  -- does the good Mistress still live in Cameron Park
> CA?  I prolly will have to buy a new copy  -- and may get more . . . .
>     Caointiarn

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