[Sca-cooks] Re: who's going to Pennsic/ Harbinger's Bash

Philippa Alderton phlip_u at yahoo.com
Tue May 14 17:46:01 PDT 2002

--- Bronwynmgn at aol.com wrote:
> > PS So who's coming to Pennsic this year, anyway?
> >
> Me!  I'll be there form Land Grab on, in Clan Kyle.

Brangwayna, I'll be there too. SPCA camp has been
developing a tradition, the Harbinger's Bash, where we
invite and feed all the Land Agents in our area, W10,
for dinner after Grab, since we know everyone's tired
and likely doesn't feel like either cooking or going
out to eat. Why don't you join us? And that goes for
anyone else on Cok's List who'll be there- just let me
or Margali know how many.

The meal is vegetarian/vegan friendly- it's usually
pasta with choices of sauces (veggie marinara,
alfredo, and such) antipasto, salad, etc- Margali does
it- she can give the full menu tomorrow. There's meat,
too, for the carnivores, and a dessert. No charge,
although if you'd like to bring something to share,
feel free.

Do join us ;-)


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