[Sca-cooks] Cooking Like a 3-Star Chef in Your Own Home (Almost) - OOP, Not e ntirely OT

Patrick McKinnion patgund at earthlink.net
Fri May 17 14:55:26 PDT 2002

on 5/17/02 2:18 PM, Marilyn Traber at marilyn.traber.jsfm at statefarm.com

> Feh. I guess this guy doesn't seem to realize that there are a metric
> butt-ton of home cooks who happen to be able to cook like this, and actually
> do wierd things like make and freeze stocks, keep little pots of fresh herbs
> on teh windowsill and can actually make something like this particular meal
> in the required amount of time. Even to prepping the potatoes and soaking
> them in cream before going to work so they can make the dish when they
> actualyl get home.

    Yeah, but how many of these wonder chefs can redact a recipe from period
sources, translate cultural and lingistic shifts from that time, figure out
the closet modern versions of the items in question, and then prepare the
results in conditions ranging from rec centre kitchens to campfires ???

    - Padraig o Connell

I doubt they would get a clue even if Blue and Steve themselves came in and
pummeled them mercilessly with a sledgehammer with Blue's pawprint stamped
on the business end.
(http://home.earthlink.net/~patgund)  ICQ# 5527565
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