[Sca-cooks] Cooking Like a 3-Star Chef in Your Own Home (Almost) - OOP, Not e ntirely OT

Daniel Myers doc at bookofrefreshments.com
Fri May 17 21:33:19 PDT 2002

Quoted from Patrick McKinnion - 5/17/02, 2:55 PM -0700:
>on 5/17/02 2:18 PM, Marilyn Traber at marilyn.traber.jsfm at statefarm.com
>> Feh. I guess this guy doesn't seem to realize that there are a metric
>> butt-ton of home cooks who happen to be able to cook like this, and actually
>> do wierd things like make and freeze stocks, keep little pots of fresh herbs
>> on teh windowsill and can actually make something like this particular meal
>> in the required amount of time. Even to prepping the potatoes and soaking
>> them in cream before going to work so they can make the dish when they
>> actualyl get home.
>    Yeah, but how many of these wonder chefs can redact a recipe from period
>sources, translate cultural and lingistic shifts from that time, figure out
>the closet modern versions of the items in question, and then prepare the
>results in conditions ranging from rec centre kitchens to campfires ???

... on their day off and with no pay, for one hundred and fifty guests who
each paid $7.50 - many of whom wouldn't blink if you served them roast
turkey and mashed potatoes.

 Edouard Halidai (Daniel Myers)
 I BELIEVE! http://www.bookofrefreshments.com

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