[Sca-cooks] Period cooking and camping

david friedman ddfr at daviddfriedman.com
Wed May 22 10:30:45 PDT 2002

>Out of curiosity how many people at camping events try to do only period
>recipes?  Maybe only breakfast and dinner, or only dinner?

At Pennsic, we only cook period things with period technology. No
cooler. We do use cast iron pans, which are at best late period. And
we start our fire with matches not flint and steel, since neither of
us has gotten good enough with the latter.

On the other hand, we also eat some of our meals at the food court,
where neither recipes nor technology is period. Our usual policy is
to cook one or two period dinners for the whole encampment, other
than that go mostly on period things that don't require
cooking--fruit, cheese, bread and the like--plus food court. And, of
course, guesting with other people in the encampment when they do
their period dinners.

The Caliph Muawiya ate dinner leftovers for breakfast, so I don't see
why I shouldn't.

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