[Sca-cooks] Gorgeous Pizzled Or

Marilyn Traber marilyn.traber.jsfm at statefarm.com
Mon Nov 4 05:42:30 PST 2002

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I *had* managed to purge myself of the mental imagery, and the resultant
*ahem* resident dstraction but now it is back...and on a monday where I have
to be in meetings all morning! I hope I don;t have to actually explain the
occasional snicker;-)


the quote starts here:
Margali wrote:

> There is an heraldic term for beings where the rest of them may be
> color, but the genitals are done in red;-)

The term you are looking for is "pizzled gules."
Eyes, "orbed."
Tongue, "langued."
Claws, horns, whatever, "armed."
Tail, "queued."

Obligatory Food Content:  don't just blazon it, eat it! My local Asian
supermarket has available "Beef Pizzle" and "Rooster Fries."  Now we know
part is the chicken's McNugget, nay?  Yes, I know that the Flori-thingie has
recipes for all of them.

Selene Colfox

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