[Sca-cooks] Units of measure question - Italian, 15th c.

Daniel Myers doc at medievalcookery.com
Tue Nov 26 11:53:58 PST 2002


A friend of mine is transcribing & annotating dye recipes from the
Segreti per Colori (15th c. manuscript), and has come across 5 italian
renaissance liquid measures that she'd not seen before (me either).
Can anyone here identify these and provide reasonable modern
equivalents.  As a guess, I'd translate "bocale" as mouthful and
petitto as "little bit", but I know pretty much squat about Italian -
modern or otherwise.

> A bocale "4 bocali of water"
> A foglietta "one foglietta of vinegar"
> A petitto "and 24 petitti of water"
> A mettadella "with two metadelle of water for each ounce of verzino"
> A fogliecto "add a fogliecto of boiled ley"


- Doc

  Edouard Halidai  (Daniel Myers)

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