[Sca-cooks] Sca-cooks - Italian translation...help!

Generys ferch Ednuyed generys at blazemail.com
Tue Oct 15 15:41:40 PDT 2002

I thought The Medieval Kitchen had translations as well as redactions?  My
copy does, though I don't have it with me right now... of course, I don't
speak Italian so I don't know how good the translation is... it will be
interesting to compare multiple versions...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Isabetta Seraphina di Petrillo" <seraphina2 at dejazzd.com>
To: <sca-cooks at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 6:43 PM
Subject: [Sca-cooks] Sca-cooks - Italian translation...help!

> Greetings to the list!
> In May of next year I will be doing the feast for my shire's event.  In
> meantime my shire is having a "redacting day" this Sunday and, I've come
> across a recipe in The Medieval Kitchen by Redon, Sabban & Serventi.  This
> is supposed to be for Gnocci.  Can anyone help with the translation?  I've
> got the English-redacted version, but for this get together I'd like the
> "un-redacted" version.  Any help at all would be great!!!
> Toglio lo cascio fresco e pestalo: poscia togli la farina et intridi con
> tuorla d'uova a modo di migliacci.  Poni il paiuolo al fuoco con acqua e
> quando bolle, poni lo triso in su in uno taglieri, fallo andare colla
> nel paiuolo, e quando sono cotti, poni sopra li taglieri e getta su assai
> cacio grattugiato.
> YIS,
> Lady Isabetta Seraphina di Petrillo
> Shire of Silver Rylle, EK
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