[Sca-cooks] Bumped head

Michael Gunter countgunthar at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 17 09:34:10 PDT 2002

>Hmmmmm, edge instead of the flat ... and did you call
>the blow good or light?  <g>

The point, actually.
Right against the corner of a metal overhead cabinet. A nice
dent in my head is the result.

I obviously called it light because I stayed conscious and continued
to work all day.

> > > I'm pretty sure it's a minor concussion.)
>Hope that you are feeling better.

I feel much better. But things were rough yesterday. I had the classic
symptoms of a concussion, lost feeling and warmth in my right arm,
blurred vision, nausea, etc....but it was minor and things are hectic
at work so I kept going. I've had a few concussions in my life so I
know the best thing for them is to keep active. If I'd gone to an emergency
room all they would have done is x-ray me and tell me to go home and
have someone watch me.

I did get several calls and emails from various ladies in my life
me with dire harm if I didn't go to the doctor. Most expected me to have
an aneurism and die in the middle of the night. Don't they know I'm

I felt pretty lousy yesterday but much better today. I'm even plannning
on going to the State Fair with Selene today.


Now my forehead matches my helm.

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