[Sca-cooks] oop but not ot

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 17 13:15:49 PDT 2002

margali asked:
>>  What is the name of the song [and artist] about
>>  "Someone left the cake out in the rain"

Avraham answered:
>The title is "MacArthur Park," and there have been several versions. The
>best-known is by Donna Summer, but I think the original is by Richard

Donna Summer?!?!? Best known?!?!?

Oh, well, guess this just shows generational differences. Sure, i
remember her from the disco days, but the version i consider the
best-known is Richard Harris's version.

Of course, don't forget that Golden Throat, William Shatner... If you
thought Harris's version was overwrought, you haven't heard Cap'n
Kirk's version... What do you call something that is over the top of
over the top?

Not to mention William Shatner's emotional rendition of "Lucy in the
Sky with Diamonds"...

trivia would be my middle name, but i don't think it's registerable...

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