[Sca-cooks] ok, presentation coming....

Irene Karlsson Irene.Karlsson at ebc.uu.se
Thu Oct 24 06:04:18 PDT 2002

>YOUR A LURKER.  You just now showed yourself.  Before anyone can ask, can
>you give more details about yourself.  Olwen, don't go and asking for her
>address.  Aurore

Ok ok...

In the SCA I am known as Karna Persdotter, persona is from late 15th
century southern Sweden. I also have a 12th cent. Gaelic/Cymry
persona called Hynydd Nic Rae but she hasn´t been seen for a while
:-) I guess most of my interests lie within the arts and science
region; dancing, cooking and tablet weaving. As I mundanely am
finishing the writing of my thesis in limnology (freshwater ecology)
my SCA activity is on a low level for the moment. However, someone
ask if I can help cook or do a dance at an event, and there I go...
The dance group meets once a week and I like that too much to drop
out :-)

For some more mundane info I am 30 years old in a couple of weeks,
married my Johan (Odd Björnson in the SCA) in August and is generally
pleased with life for the moment (when the writing is not too
difficult ;-). We live in Uppsala (the shire of Aros) just north of
Stockholm in a student appartment. Not bad at all as we just had the
opportunity to move into one of the few 3 room appartments. I have a
small lot of land where I try to grow my own herbs, which sometimes
works and sometimes does not ;-) My parents have a small farm 250 km
south of Uppsala, so I try to be there to help out as much as I can,
as they both have ordinary jobs as well, and sometime in the future I
hope to settle there myself.

I must say that this mailinglist sometimes produces some unlikely
topics ;-), but also really good information, and it is fun to read
when I need a break in my writing...


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