[Sca-cooks] RE: Sca-cooks digest, Vol 1 #2487 - 10 msgs

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Mon Sep 23 11:19:28 PDT 2002

I don't recall any mention of Vatel's formal title in any of the literature.
The translation of Madame de Sevigne's account of his death identifies him
as Vatel and provides no titles

One modern French source refers to him as the maitre d'hotel (major-domo) of
the Prince of Conde, but provides no information as to whether that was his
formal title or their description of his work.

You might consider "le cuisinier" (the cook) which appears in the title of
Varrenne's The French Cook (1653) and is probably considerably older as it
derives from the Latin "coquina."


> Well that's not good for our purposes.  How long does it go
> back in France?
> What did they call Vatel's job description, for instance?
> Selene Colfox

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