[Sca-cooks] Once again, from today's NY Times

Siegfried Heydrich baronsig at peganet.com
Wed Sep 4 20:09:02 PDT 2002

    I'm more a B&W striped pants with a black chef's coat, and black chef's
beret under which I stuff 2' of hair kinda guy. Where I work, all of the
utility people wear white, the prep people wear checks, the line guys mix
between whites & checks, and the management all wear stripes and spiffier
jackets.. Sous chefs are a little wilder in their pants prints selection,
though. A lot depends on whether you have your own work wardrobe, or are
using clothes supplied by a service, I would suppose.


-----Original Message-----

>Right up to the black pants. Black pants are for hotel weenies (pace,
>Christianna, etc.). White pants are for cafeteria and hospital
>workers. I'm a check-pants man myself, for that real restaurant look
>(although I've always thought the ones with the chili peppers looked
>good on others ;-) )
>On an off-note, has anybody else noticed that you can now buy
>commercial bakers and chef's caps which are viably period in design
>(low, cylindrical, flat top with a little button, something like some
>welder's caps, only peakless).
>Adamantius (who's holding the rock closed? somebody with black pants, huh?)

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