[Sca-cooks] the merits of safety trim

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Mon Sep 9 17:37:10 PDT 2002

At 07:21 PM 9/9/02 -0500, you wrote:

>As a herald, I learned to do it away from tents.  Something about being
>almost killed will teach you little things like that.  But everyone should
>remember when the schedule is pulished and it says wake-up call at 7am, that
>means herald or bagpiper will be mading lots of noises at 7am.  Aurore

Hey- I don't have a problem with a camp wake-up taht is on the schedule.
But this one wasn't- it was a personal wakeup call, and the piper was
simply INCREDIBLY inconsiderate of everyone else in our neighborhood. I had
a discussion with the princess after I'd cooled down, and suggested that he
pipe 1) later, like 8, and 2) next to _her_ tent! She was upset to
discovered that he'd so royally pissed off some of her subjects...

OFC- Bagpipes, flash-fried (hee hee!) and served with a nice white sauce...
tastes like... chicken!

(A really rubbery, icky chicken...)

"If you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce it tastes much more
like prunes than rhubarb does." Groucho Marx, _Animal Crackers_

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