Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Sun Aug 10 17:58:39 PDT 2003

Glad to hear you're doing well!
The only silicon cooking stuff I've got is a couple of silicon-based
spatulas, and I LOVE them.  They're wonderful for cooking things like
puddings that tend to scorch or burn or stick, and they (the spatulas)
don't melt or warp at all even at high heat.
Dunno about the bakeware though....
--maire, in hot sticky, horribly smoky northern Artemisia (koff,
koff)...the air's kind of amber-colored...blech...

Heleen Greenwald wrote:
>  Hi Folks,
> The operation went without a hitch and my recovery is slow but sure. (But I
> must be getting better if I can sit at the computer a bit...no?)
> Anyway, some friends here were talking about silicone bakeware. You know,
> that rubbery bakeware that you can put in the oven. Is it really as
> non-stick as they say? Has anyone used it? Any opinions?

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