[Sca-cooks] Keeping cheesecake

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Fri Aug 22 18:53:17 PDT 2003

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> That said, somewhere I have a recipe (like, say, in the Larousse
> Gastronomique) for something called torteau au fromage (which,
> interestingly enough, is French for cheesecake). It's kind of a
> mousse of chevre or fresh goat's milk curd cheese, which, when
> sweetened, does a remarkable impersonation of a lemon-flavored
> cheesecake, but with a drier, puffier texture almost like a pound
> cake. The sugars in the goat cheese caramelize in the oven, leaving a
> snow-white interior and a browned top that's almost dark-chocolate
> brown. Amazing stuff. As I recall it's a Provencale thang; I can post
> the recipe if anybody wants, at some point this weekend.

As it happens, I DO like cheesecake, although only in slivers at a time, so
yes, Adamantius, I'd LOVE your cheesecake recipe.

> Although I respect Doc's God-given right not to like cheesecake (the

And I'm sure he respects your God-given right to dislike eggplant, ya goof

Saint Phlip,

"When in doubt, heat it up and hit it with a hammer."
 Blacksmith's credo.

 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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