[Sca-cooks] Favorite period Spanish recipes?

KarenO karen_ostrowski at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 27 21:00:22 PDT 2003

> Olwen asked:

>From Libro de Guisados by Ruperto de Nola (Spanish, 1529)
Translation by Lady Brighid ni Chiarain of Tethba, Settmour Swamp
(Robin Carrol-Mann)
Recipe by HL Caointiarn

You must take the clean and well-washed salmon, and put it in a casserole
with your spices which are galingale, and a little pepper and ginger and
saffron, and all of this well ground, and cast upon the fish with salt, and
a little verjuice or orange juice, and let it go to the fire of embers, and
then take blanched almonds and raisins and pine nuts and all herbs.  That is
moraduj, which is called marjoram, and parsley, and mint, and when the
casserole is nearly half-cooked, cast all this inside.

1 lb. Salmon Steaks
1 teaspoon galingale {if none, double up on the ginger}
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon ginger
1 pinch saffron
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup blanched almonds
1/4 cup currants
1 - 2 Tabs pine nuts
2 tsp. each fresh marjoram, parsley, mint finely diced

Make a marinade of the spices, herbs and orange juice {all the ingredients
except the fish}.  Pulse in a blender or food processor to finely chop the
nuts & currants, and to mix the marinade ingredients well.

Place fish & marinade together in a ZipLock T or leak proof container.  Keep
refrigerated for at least 1 hour, or longer.   If you think about it, take
it out and shake up the contents from time to time.

When ready to cook, take out the Salmon steaks, and grill or pan broil.
About 10 minutes for each side for a 1" thickness.   Platter, and keep warm.

While the steaks are cooking, take the marinade & place in a small pot.
Bring to a boil, and simmer until the steaks are done {at least 10 minutes}.
Pour over fish steaks, or serve in a small bowl on the side.

Serves 4.

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