[Sca-cooks] Period Foods: How to Fake It!

Pixel, Goddess and Queen pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Thu Dec 4 10:46:57 PST 2003

But to know what constitutes a period look and feel, you really have to
have done the research and the cooking. I wouldn't expect you to know what
early 13th c. Spanish illumination styles look like (for example) without
having done the research necessary to familiarize yourself with the
subject, thus I wouldn't expect someone who had no knowledge of period
cookery or foodways to produce a plausibly period buffet or table. I might
be agreeably surprised if they did, in fact, manage to produce such a
thing, but I certainly wouldn't expect it.

Besides, if you're going to go to the effort to make something *taste*
period, why not just make the period recipe to start with? There are, as
already mentioned, plenty of easy period recipes with modern redactions
out there and available.


On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Cera Chonaill wrote:

> The question isn't about proclaiming an item to be period when it's not but
> fooling the eye and taste to give a lunch or off board table the feel/look
> of period. When people as you tell them what it is, that way they can see
> that it doesn't take that much effort or time to trying to make a table
> feel/look more period.
> Cera

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