[Sca-cooks] Period Foods: How to Fake It! - More Clearly

Christine Seelye-King kingstaste at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 5 08:25:39 PST 2003

So the question is how have you "Faked It" either through substitutions or
food choices to give the FEEL/LOOK of more period foods at your lunch or off
board table (remember not referring to real feasts here). The idea is to
give non cooks the impression that you don't have to research every recipe
or have master chef level skills to make the effort to make a simple lunch
table look and taste more period. Remember it's not about proclaiming fake
as real.

Hope that make's it more clearer. I know my writing skills are not always
the best. Darn those dyslexic thought patterns.

In Service,


I got a really good deal on packaged hummous that was cheaper than making it
with canned chick peas etc.  I added garlic and olive oil to pump up the
flavor somewhat, but it was very good anyway.  Hummous isn't documentable,
but it went with a variety of other M.E. foods that were being served.
That more along the line of what you were looking for?

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