Allergies- was Re: [Sca-cooks] Re:New to list

Phlip phlip at
Thu Feb 6 16:35:25 PST 2003

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

 On that note, I'd like to point out that more and more Americans are being
> > hit by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.  This "sensitivity" can cause
> > as simple as slight breathing problems, to full fledged asthma attacks,
> > seizures.  It can be triggered by a perfume, or other scented products.
> >
> > I would beg y'all to be careful about that.  If you *must* put perfume
> > put only a little.
> It has come to my attention that I am beginning to suffer from Multiple
> Allergy/Disability Sensibility. When in the company of people who
> discourage me from using the fruits of my labors, and also when around
> too many people using inhalers at once, I get red in the face, find it
> difficult to breath, and eventually lose my voice.
> I'm not allowed to eat nuts at events; I'm not allowed to cook with
> mushrooms, fish  and [fill in the blank with everything anyone has an
> allergy] and now I'm not allowed to use personal scents?
> -- Jadwiga Zajaczkowa   jenne at

Alright guys, I'm willing to accomodate disabilities, but enough is enough.
If YOU suffer from whatever it is, YOU need to deal with it. I'm willing to
fight for disability access at events, and make sure that you can
conveniently find out what the ingredients are in food, but beyond that,
you're on your own.

Recently, on the EK List, someone was complaining that the smokers were
congregating outside the doors of events, and they found it unpleasant to
walk through the smoke around the doors. The smokers around the doors are
there because we're not allowed to smoke in the event, and we usually spend
part of our event freezing or frying our asses off because we're not smoking
in the event. If you can't take enough control of your own problems to
simply walk and not inhale for 10 feet, then that's YOUR problem.

I don't know when the New Puritans got it into their heads that the rest of
us had to completely give up our preferred activities to accomodate them,
but it stops with me. If you don't like what I'm
eating/drinking/smoking/wearing/doing or whatever, don't get downwind/near

There really is a difference, too between accomodating disabilities and
being taken advantage of. When Muiredach was in our camp, he took care of
his own needs and picked up after himself and his dog. In exchange, we were
more than willing to give him a hand when he needed it. This is in strict
contrast to another person of whom I'm aware, who bragged about all the
things they could do, while leaving piles of trash wherever they went,
despite being within 5 ft of the trash can.

In college, I went to school with two kids who had very severe CP. One,
babied by hir family, made excuses for, and generally not required to do
anything for hirself, wound up living at home and never getting a job. The
other, who helped pay hir way through college by mowing lawns in the summer,
even though hir CP was worse than the first person's, went on to get a good
job and raise a family.

Who would you prefer to know? And, which sort of person ae you?


 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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