[Sca-cooks] Safety

Kirsten Houseknecht kirsten at fabricdragon.com
Thu Jan 9 10:51:12 PST 2003

ok, time once again for the "I worry about you all" safety nag...this is of
especial import to cooks!

here in Philly we have had an outbreak of Hepatitis "A".  The "A" variety of
Hepatitis is most commonly spread by food, water, or direct contact with an
infected person.
This disease is easily spread by improper sanitation, lack of hand washing,
and improper food handling

now, none of us spend a lot of our time and effort in areas that have that
as a risk, do we...
<heavy sarcasm>
Pennsic is the big one,yes, but anyone who goes camping in groups is at
risk. as is anyone who works with or has small children      (their lack of
handwashing and  contact with .. uh.. mess is a great vector)

Cooks have a unique responsibility for controlling the spread of this
disease.  It is VITAL that you wash your hands frequently and especially
after using the porta-castles.  No, that hand goo alone just doesn't cut it
(and can transmit awful tastes to the food, too)

This disease has a *vaccine* folks!  a simple, easy, reasonably safe
vaccine. (as vaccines go, naturally)  but the consequences of catching ANY
of the Hepatitis variants is rather horrific.  since food handlers are a
potential vector for hepatitis "A", it makes sense for those who can
tolerate the vaccine, to get vaccinated.
        AND MORE.....
I am typing this after getting the third and last shot in a series of the
Hepatitis "B" vaccine.  considering that I don't use drugs and I am
currently in a monogamous relationship a lot of people don't understand why
I got the shots... simple... blood exposure .

I have patched up more skinned knuckles, bloody noses, cuts, scrapes, and
etc than I care to mention.. and that is just from merchanting!  now imagine
anyone who works with or deals with the fighters.  Or people who may deal
with a lot of people in close quarters with knives.. like those of us who

all of us in the SCA are exposed on a regular basis to Hepatitis risks....
so are lots of other folks... the difference is we know what the risks are,
so get yourself to your doctor and discuss vaccination.
liver disease is an ugly way to go.
kirsten at fabricdragon.com

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