[Sca-cooks] cooks first aid kit- the Chirurgeon speaks...

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Thu Jan 16 04:47:22 PST 2003

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> I'm actually not much use in an emergency. I'm NOT trained in emergency
> medicine, so my reaction to most situations is to reach for a stethoscope
> and blood pressure cuff. If I haven't got one, I'm more or less at a loss.
> can probably stabilize a broken limb without doing too much more damage to
> it. I can do CPR, but I'm really trained to run a full-out "Code", which
> really can't do in the field unless you have a portable crash cart; not
> many people have epinephrine and atropine in their first aid kits.
> Avraham

Oh, I know, but I do have you for advice, if I'm not quite sure about the
severity of the situation. And, you likely know a lot more about emergency
medicine than you admit to- I've picked up quite a bit from you in our
private conversations- and trust me- it's nice to have a known cool head
near by, if I need back up or help.

Which reminds me- are you aware of a cheat sheet for enmergency treatment
for poisoning? I'd like to have one to put in my kit- I can never remember
which ones to induce vomitting, which ones to feed activated charcoal, and
all that ....


 If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is probably not a

Never a horse that cain't be rode,
And never a rider who cain't be throwed....

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