Edible mysteries- was [Sca-cooks] OOP request: Jellied salad???

Phil Troy/ G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius.magister at verizon.net
Thu Jan 23 11:06:45 PST 2003

Also sprach Phlip:
>Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...
>>  (Sarcastically) Oh, yum.  I'll have to try this one on my family. NOT!
>>  Liadan Arundel
>>   Rosine <rosine at sybercom.net> wrote:Oh - and "baloney boats"! One slice of
>baloney with an ice cream scoop's
>>  worth of mashed potatoes in the middle, crossed over with two slivers of
>>  processed cheese, then baked until the baloney curls around the potato and
>>  the cheese melts to glue it together.
>My mother loves to tell a story about when we were kids, living in
>Baltimore. Out of her very minimal food allowance, she had managed to get a
>bottle of wine and some fresh shrimp, and thought she'd make the family (me
>(5?), my younger brother and sister, Daddy, and herself) a special meal-
>don't remember what she said it was, but the shrimp was in a wine sauce.
>Just as we'd sat down to eat, a neighbor boy came over, and she invited him,
>but he said he'd just eaten, so we went ahead, and as might be expected, I
>said "Ick" so my brother and sister said "Ick" and none of us would eat it.
>At this point, the neighbor chimed in and said, "Oh, we had my favorite-
>Fried Bologna."
>She was not thrilled....

You know, Russell Baker, author of that great "Francs and Beans"
essay that appeared in the New York Times about 25 years ago, and
possibly the inventor of "Fried Bologna A la Nutley, Nouveau Jersey",
was from Baltimore, I believe. At least he lived there for some of
his childhood.

Maybe this is regional cuisine ;-)  ?


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