[Sca-cooks] Tuna, tuna, tuna

Phil Troy/ G. Tacitus Adamantius adamantius at verizon.net
Fri Jul 18 19:45:21 PDT 2003

Also sprach Bronwynmgn at aol.com:
>I have heard that fish are vegetables that swim - and a cook who is renowned
>for having almost no leftovers taught me to serve one ounce of vegetables per
>person.  It doesn't sound like much, but considering the proportion of people
>who don't eat veggies, it works out very well.  Everytime I decide it's not
>enough and make more, I end up with tons of leftovers.  There's also a high
>proportion of people who won't eat fish, and it's much worse to throw out
>something expensive like good tuna than something cheap like veggies...

Under most circumstances, this is probably pretty safe. If there's 
enough for everyone to have at least a single bite of the dish, it'll 
probably be enough for everyone who actually wants some to get a 
small portion. With other foods in the course, that should be fine, 
and you can bulk out the course with cheaper foods. No one will go 
hungry and no expensive fish will be thrown away.

Of course, if this were Ostgardr or Carolingia (which house, 
mundanely, the Fulton Fish Market and the Boston Wholesale Fish 
Market, respectively), or one or two other East Kingdom groups, 
there'd be rioting. In such groups, if you're gonna serve fish, you 
have to serve _fish_!


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