[Sca-cooks] RANT - OT and OOP - Just letting off steam

Jim Fox-Davis firedrake at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 12 09:57:07 PDT 2003


As Selene says, we sympathize completely.  Last year I turned to the VA
for surgery on an injured arm, and the surgery repaired the ruptured
tendon but damaged the nerve, and they're dragging their feet abominably
providing compensation under their own regulations.  I applied for the
compensation April 14.  I was told in September that it had been sitting
on someone's desk since then with nothing happening.  A denial for the
wrong thing came in December, failing to address my original request.
 My notice of Disagreement, with documentation, went out the -next day-.
 I got the acknowledgement  a -month- later.  In _April_ of this year,
they ordered a new examination of the injury.  It's now mid-June, and I
haven't received the schedule for the exam.

Now, I have to turn to them again next month for surgery on my left
shoulder.  I hope they don't screw -this- one up.

OBFOOD:  When I was in the hosptial overnight last year, Selene brought
me 'real food' so I wouldn't have to eat the VA-provided slop.  That
stuff is truly dreadful.  Formless, tasteless and miniscule.


Susan Fox-Davis wrote:

>Aw sweetie.  [[[[sympathy hugs]]]] I feel your pain, truly.  We've been waiting 9 months for an increase in my husband's VA benefits - 6 months of which it was lost under some stuff on somebody's desk.  Likewise, ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH ! ! !
>Oh yeah.  They honor the American fighting man.  They broke him, they can bloody well fix him.
>Empathetically yours, Selene
>Mordonna wrote:
>>I spent a most unrewarding day today courtesy of the US Veteran's Affairs Administration.....
>>When I got home, I had received e-mail from my boss saying they'd faxed the form to him about the time I was arguing with them about whether or not they had received it.
>>Total time wasted: 6 hours.

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