[Sca-cooks] Translations of Portuguese Cookbook Online

Robert Downie rdownie at mb.sympatico.ca
Fri Jun 13 20:50:31 PDT 2003


Here are  a few more recipes translated from:
A 15th century Portuguese cookbook (in Portuguese) is now online at the Virtual Cervantes

Just a quick side note: In my translation of  an earlier recipe,  Frangos para os hécticos (tísicos), I translated cágado as turle.  I believe I  should have
translated it as tortoise (tataruga is a turtle).  I remember we youngsters had a good bout of giggles with that word in school, because if you change the stress
from the first to the second syllable the meaning changes to "one who has soiled himself :-)"   Also, upon rereading the next recipe, Receita dos tutanos, I
realised I forgot to mention that I believe the title of the dish refers to it's texture, since I found no mention of marrow as an ingredient.

One more point of clarification, I've been translating pasteis as pastries (a very generic word).  Modern day pasteis are not flaky, they're more like a strong
perogy dough, generally fried.


Pastéis lepaldados
______ ? Pastries (I'm not familiar with this word, neither is my dictionary)

Façam uma massa de farinha de trigo, água e sal, na consistência da massa de pão. Depois de bem sovada, abram-na em folhas redondas, e bem finas, mais ou menos
de dois palmos de diâmetro, sem deixar que se quebrem. Tomem então manteiga derretida e untem a folha de massa de um só lado, enrolando-a bem apertada. E assim
se procede com toda a massa.  Em seguida cortem essa massa enrolada, em fatias de dois dedos de grossura, deitando-as num tabuleiro.
Façam então um buraco com os dedos, no meio de cada um desses enrolados de massa, recheando-os com carne picadinha, muito bem temperada, e não muito seca. Cubram
com outro enrolado de massa, achatado no meio, e levem ao forno, o suficiente para assar.

Make a dough from wheat flour, water and salt,  the consitency of bread dough.  After it is well kneaded, roll it out into round leaves, and very thin, more or
less two palms (hand widths) in diameter, without breaking them.  then take melted butter and grease the pastry leaf on only one side, rolling it very tightly.
And proceed this way with all of the dough.  Then cut the rolled dough into slices two fingers wide, putting them in a tray.
Then make a hole with your fingers, in the middle of each of those rolls of dough, filling them with minced meat, very well seasoned, and not too dry.  Cover
with another roll of dough, flattened in the middle, and take them to the oven, enough to bake.

Galinha alardada
Larded Chicken (alardear modernly boasting, so maybe it's just really good? smile)

Limpe e tempere uma galinha. Em seguida, com auxílio de linha e agulha, envolva-se toda a galinha em fatias de toucinho de fumeiro, bem fininhas.  Leva-se ao
forno brando.

Clean and season a chicken.. Next, with the help of a needle and thread, wrap the whole chicken in very thin slices of smoked pork belly (smoked bacon would
probably work here too).  Cook in a moderate oven

Galinha cozida e ensopada
Cooked and soaked chicken

Levem a cozer uma galinha temperada com sal, salsa, coentro, hortelã, cebola e um pouco de vinagre.  Assim que estiver cozida, retirem-na do seu caldo, o qual é
coado e posto a ferver em outra panela. Nesse caldo  ponham meia dúzia de ovos batidos, gemas e claras, ao qual se misturam ainda 4 gemas cozidas. Batam tudo
muito bem, para que adquira uma certa liga.
Ponham a galinha numa travessa funda, sobre fatias de pão, e derramem por cima o caldo de ovos.  Coloquem ovos cozidos em volta, e polvilhem com canela.

Cook a chicken seasoned with salt, cilantro, mint, onion and a little vinegar.  As soon as it's cooked, remove it from it's juices, which are then strained and
placed in another pot to boil.  In those juices place half a dozen beaten eggs, yolks and whites, to which you add yet another four cooked yolks.  Beat
everything very well, such that it aquires a certain bond (ie holds together).  Put the chicken in a deep serving tray, over bread slices, and pour on the egg
broth. Place cooked eggs all around and sprinkle with cinnamon.


Assa-se um coelho temperado só com sal, e em seguida cortem-no em pequenos pedaços.  Faz-se então um refogado com manteiga, cebola batida, vinagre,
cravo-da-índia, açafrão, pimenta-do-reino e gengibre.  Ponham em seguida os pedaços do coelho dentro do refogado, e deixem levantar a fervura.  Sirva-se sobre
fatias de pão.

Roast a rabbit seasoned with only salt, and afterwards cut it into small pieces.  Make a saute with butter, beaten onion, vinegar, Indian clove, saffron, black
pepper and ginger.  Next place the rabbit pieces in the saute, and let the mixture come to a boil.  Serve it over bread slices.

Outra receita de galinha mourisca
Another recipe for moorish chicken

Façam em pedaços uma galinha bem gorda, e levem-na ao fogo brando, com duas colheres de sopa de gordura,  algumas fatias de toucinho, bastante coentro, um
punhadinho de salsa, umas folhinhas de hortelã, sal e uma cebola bem grande.  Abafem-na e deixem-na dourar, mexendo-a de vez em quando.   Em seguida cubram essa
galinha com água, e assim que levante fervura acabem de temperá-la com sal, vinagre, cravo-da-índia, açafrão, pimenta-do-reino e gengibre. Logo que a galinha
esteja cozida, derramem dentro 4 gemas batidas.  Tomem uma travessa funda, forrada com fatias de pão e derramem por cima a galinha.

Cut a very fat chicken into pieces, and cook it over low heat, with two soupspoons of fat, a few slices of porkbelly, lots of cilantro, a bit of parsley, a few
mint leaves, salt and a very large onion.  Cover it (? abafar means to stiffle, smother, etc) and let it brown, stirring once in a while.  Next cover that
chicken in water, and as soon as it reaches a boil fisish seasoning it with salt, vinegar, Indian clove, safron, black pepper and ginger.  When the is cooked,
add 4 beaten egg yolks.  Take a deep serving tray, lined with bread slices and put the chicken over top.
(because this specifies SOUPspoons, I wonder if all the other spoon measurements listed are teaspoons?)

Modo de preparar o láparo (filhote macho de coelho)
Method of preparing laparo (young male rabbit) - litterally translates as youngish son of rabbit

Tomem um láparo mal-assado e partam-no em pedaços. À parte, numa tigela, batam alguns ovos, claras e gemas tudo junto, e deitem-lhes açúcar que adoce.  Ponham a
carne numa travessa, derramando em cima os ovos batidos.  Do mesmo modo se prepara a galinha esbarada, só que esta é servida sobre fatias de pão passadas no
açúcar, tudo coberto com açúcar e canela, e borrifado com água-de-flor, no momento de ir à mesa.

Take an underbaked young male rabbit and cut it into pieces.  Seperately, in a bowl, beat a few eggs, whites and eggs all together, and sugar to sweeten.  Put
the meat in a tray, pouring the beaten eggs overtop.  Moorish chicken is prepared in the same manner, except that this is served over bread slices rolled in
sugar, all covered with sugar and cinnamon, and wetted with flower water just before serving.

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