[Sca-cooks] Mustard

Sue Clemenger mooncat at in-tch.com
Tue Mar 11 06:32:04 PST 2003

I have an electric spice grinder (formerly known as "coffee" <g>) for
big batches, and a small (fist-sized), hand-held grinder for smaller
batches.  The smaller one is a *wonder.*  It even powders dried
galingale root!
Oh, and I have a small mortar-and-pestle, too.
I have a personal jones for coarsely-ground mustards, so I tend to do
those in the blender....

UlfR wrote:
> Sort of anthropology question: my spice grinder (which came labelled as
> coffe grinder on the box, silly them) is one of the old fashioned
> hand-cranked ones.  A hopper on top, and a crank, with a small wooden
> drawer in the bottom where the spices collect. Are most others here
> using electrical grinders?

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